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L Sydney Abel

L. Sydney Abel L. Sydney Abel is the pen name of Lawrence Abel. The name was inspired by L. Frank Baum; the author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Lawrence was born and raised in Kingston upon Hull, England. He is married and has two grown-up children. He attended Hull College, where he qualified as an Electronics Engineer. As a young aspiring musician, Lawrence composed the lyrics to his own music, progressing into the recording studio.

He began inventing stories during his children’s early years, never putting pen to paper. Years later, Lawrence was encouraged to revisit the stories from the past and write them down. He has written and illustrated several books for children and young adults. Lawrence has recently ventured into the world of adult fiction, where experiences of the supernatural kind stimulate his imagination.

Visit the author's website at: www.lsydneyabelbooks.com

L. Sydney Abel

For more videos, please subscribe to Mr. Abel's YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkdWy2-F4sE69POtsgX2ag

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