Brass Pounder
Phil MacLeod was a brass pounder, the youngest telegraph operator in the Canadian Maritimes. When Phil rebelled against school at an early age, he had no idea of the uproarious adventures ahead of him in his new career as brass pounder covering the frontier towns of Maine and the Maritimes. Phil found himself in the middle of every town fracas and was often deputized "on the run" by the local sheriff. The life of a brass pounder was chaotic, exciting, and often very funny.
Phil thought that he had finally escaped the telegraph key when he enlisted in the army in World War I. But it wasn't long before Western Union had him back in its clutches with adventures that were wilder than ever.
This is a remarkably entertaining and high-spirited account of a boy and his exploits in the Canadian Maritimes. Phil and Canada came of age at roughly the same time—in the early 1900s—and this book recounts the boy's participation in the blossoming of a great new nation. Phil MacLeod is a boy who actually lived and whose story is told by his daughter, Charlotte.